Friday, January 27, 2006

The Negative Split

Definition of a negative split is to run the second half of a race faster, stronger than you run the first half.

I had never heard the term before I ran my first marathon last November. And sadly, no, I did not run a negative split. In fact, I ran the most embaressing positive split. So I went out too strong. Who cares? Well, me, obviously but com'on, pacing yourself for 26.2 miles ain't easy. By gones, right? Live and learn . . .

And apparently, I am learning, from all my Runner's World articles and all the running blogs out there that the negative split is THE GOAL of a race--regardless of distance, regardless of your time. In terms of performance, a negative split is THE positive exemplar of your running abiltiy. And if you can't manage that at least run a consistent pace and get an even split.

My 2006 New Year's goal was to get faster. Last year, it was to conquer distance. Did that. Now I need to be faster because, well, who doesn't want to be more efficient? And while I have been working at getting faster and thinking how to do a neagative split it occured to me that the concept of a negative split could be applied to everything going on in my life. Really to life in general.

So in terms of this blog the Negative Split is to just be better, stronger than the previous years, months, days, weeks, moments etc etc. . .

So we will see.


  1. Theres nothing like starting out with a good title (and negative split is a great concept)- I don't know about you but I can write something fine and then always get stuck on the title. Welcome to the sphere-

  2. I'm a negative split fan myself. I heard about the phrase a few years back and now it's part of my running psyche. It's a good life philosophy too!

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  4. Nice, I always wanted to write in my site something about furniture.
