The kindergarten classes at Carmella's school have a Thanksgiving feast.
Funny how at the first Thanksgiving there was probably the same ratio of pilgrims to Indians. But since this is not a political blog that is all I have to say about that.
Carmella, unsurprisingly to me, choose to be an Indian.
When she was two they made her be a pilgrim and she was pretty much the unhappiest pilgrim ever.
The Indian costume is just more her style especially since she gets to wear her boots and a headdress which is much more like a crown than a bonnet is. Last year she got to be an Indian too--of course we had to call her an Indian princess-- but regardless she liked that much better. I also don't think it hurts that Disney has a movie about an Indian princess and not one about a pilgrim. Not to mention the last part of pilgrim is grim.
Carmella and some of her school buddies:
Carmella and me:
Cute and Pretty...