Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Slowly feeling better. Still a little more tired than usual and the quads are not at all cooperative about walking downstairs. Very stiff in the morning--think Tin Man. Feet though are feeling much better and the swelling in my hands is nearly gone.

Yesterday I managed 35 minutes--easy-- on the elliptical and 20 minutes of upper body weights and lots of stretching. I felt better right afterwards but woke up feeling tighter and more sore this morning than yesterday. As the day went on I felt better and this afternoon I ran a 5k in around 25 minutes and then jogged/walked another mile or 2. I wasn't really paying attention because I was chatting with my gym buddy Mike. Everything felt pretty good considering. Funny how running feels more comfortable than walking right now. I stretched again tonight and my legs are still way tight. I also find it strange that my Achilles and calf's-- that gave me so many problems in training-- haven't bothered me at all or even during the race.

So still working the kinks out over here. How is everyone else faring?


  1. Feeling about the same. Stairs are the worst right now, although the issue has morphed from joint pain yesterday to muscle pain today. Like you, just trying to get the blood flowing to flush out some of the gunk and get the body rebuilding quickly. Best of luck... you'll be running faster than ever in a few weeks!

  2. My quads were (are) killing me! I couldn't even think about exercising yesterday. Then you went out and ran a 5K in 25 minutes! LOL. Oh my word!! I did manage to run today. Just 30 minutes though, 2.58 miles. I was definitely moving gingerly, but I'm feeling much better now that I have stretched out my muscles. Tomorrow its into the pool. No rest for the weary...

  3. Good here - still sore in the quads and hamstrings, but was able to do a slow 3 this morning.

  4. It sounds like everyone is recovering well and is the same sore quad boat as me.

    I just got back from running Lola at the Greenway. That first mile was pretty painful but partly because puppy girl can't pace herself and we went out at 7 minute mile. Not to mention the concrete didn't feel too great on my quads. She slowed down considerably we did 4 miles in about 35 minutes. I could have gone longer but I had to lots of cheers to keep her going that last mile. I guess maybe 4 miles is too much for puppy girl yet.

    I am thinking I might go to the gym and do some crossing training and weights tonight. I am relieved to be feeling this good since Sunday I thought I was going to be crippled forever. :)
    So what's next guys, girls?
    Bunch of 10k's and 5k's for me.

  5. Sounds like you're recovering well Natalie.

    The week after Shamrock, my quads and calves were sore for a couple of days. Did a couple of 5Ks that week and then a 13.1 in 1:39:32 on Sunday. I feel surprisingly good this week.

    What races will I be doing?...My next will be the Inaugural Dismal Swamp Stomp 1/2 Marathon on 14 April ( http://www.visitchesapeake.com/dismalswampstomp/ ) and then the Frederick Marathon on 6 May ( http://www.frederickmarathon.org/ ). A couple of 10Ks and then in the fall we have the Rock n Roll Half ( http://www.rnrhalf.com/home.html ) a Fleet Week Half ( http://discovermwr.com/fleetweekhalf/fwhm.html ) and then finally the Marine Corps Marathon ( http://www.marinemarathon.com/page11.aspx ). I would like to fit another marathon in in Nov or Dec.

    Whew!...This is too much like an addiction! :o)


  6. Holy crap that is quite a schedule you've got for yourself. The longer races in the South are pretty over until Oct around here so I am stuck with 10ks.

    1:39 is awesome.

    And yes, it is an addiction.
