Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kindergarten Get Your Bad Self Ready

Beau is coming . . .

Yesterday Beau graduated from PreK. No he didn't sing any of the songs like he was suppose to and no he didn't shake Ms.Connie's hand when she gave him his diploma. Instead he picked his nose during the program and rolled his eyes and then told Ms.Connie that he was going to Parker's after school for a play date. If I wasn't already accustom to such antics I might have thought I should be mortified. But Beau? He is his own person.

Ms. Connie though assures me that Beau is ready for Kindergarten. And I am sure he will do fine so long as he does not have to take a nap (which he will but it will be 30 minutes instead of an hour) and sing songs (which he will once a week in music). Everything else he is cool with.

Obviously we are expecting great things next year from Beau. If nothing else it will be an entertaining year for all involved.

Word on the picture: Is that not the corniest most hysterical thing ever? I have been laughing about it since I saw the proof for it a month ago.

The day Beau got his picture made I had asked him if he smiled or did he make a silly face. He said he did great and explained they made him wear a silly hat and a dress and hold a piece of paper. I was like, what in the world? So I asked his teacher and she explained and then told me he did the best for the photographer. But of course, it was a costume.

Generally, I never buy the school pictures-- they are always terrible and cheap looking. But as soon as I saw the proof I knew I was ordering a package. Not the regular one in his polo shirt though. I am glad it was only $25 for a package but it wouldn't have mattered if it was $100 because that picture is just too funny to pass up. It is a keepsake. You can betcha that I will be dragging this one out when he brings dates home and stuff.

Every time I look at it I giggle.

In other news I bid adieu today to the 3 hour run. I ran 22 miles at an 8:50 pace. It was more than a little steamy since I ran late morning/early afternoon but as much as I struggled with the heat my muscles and joints were very happy for it. No aches and pains and stiffness. I am sure the new shoes helped too--I have been way past due for some. The run was pretty good but I am happy to say I will not do a run longer than 16 miles again until the kids go back to school. And I am very proud of myself for squeezing one last one in. Now it is time to get fast.

Lastly, if anyone is interested in a group ride Sunday morning in Roswell let me know. Trying to get something arranged. Thinking about the 60 mile route but at least 50 miles. If you want to do less that is cool.


  1. What a fine young man! Look out Kindergarten!! Have a great ride this Sunday! I would like to join you, but I ain't ready!! Maybe soon...

  2. I was laughing pretty hard reading your description in the first paragraph. Sounds like you have a real goofball on your hands

    Id be up for the Roswell Ride once my knee heals.

  3. OMG!!! That picture ROCKS! Way to go Beau!

  4. Congrats to Beau! You are so funny-already planning to pull that picture out for dates and stuff. Hilarious!

  5. HAHAHAHA!!!! That's a hilarious pic!

  6. If you pull out anything that could be construed as a "costume" Beau is all about the role. is Hollywood ready for him? (yikes-don't ever let that happen) Lala

  7. please save a copy for aunt pookie!

  8. Beau is just adorable.........and of course I want a picture .........

