That means she got to take Busy Bee, the class mascot, home for the weekend.
We, and by we I mean me, had to record all that Carmella and Busy Bee did.
I am just going to come right out and say it: Kindergarten homework is hard.
Okay, well maybe not hard but definitely more time consuming for me than I think it should be. I always thought, you know after I graduated high school, finished my undergrad and got my master's that I was pretty much done with homework. I didn't realize that once I had kids and they went to school that I was setting myself up for another 20 years of homework. No one told me this. This is an evil secret that my parents purposely kept from me.
After our busy weekend I stayed up last night printing out pictures from Busy Bee and Carmella's escapades and glued them on construction paper so Carmella could tell about them today in school. This wasn't really part of the assignment but we all know that visual aides are the foundation of any great presentation.
I also had to print pictures of Carmella and her family for show and tell since it is all about her this week. We also had to gather her favorite toy: Barbie. Her favorite book: Clare and the Unicorn. Her trophy. And her rock collection.
This morning I got up a little earlier--5 freaking thirty am early-- so I would have time to write down the weekend in Busy Bee's journal and Carmella could draw her interpretation of the weekend. So Carmella dictated (as required) and I recorded --in pink ink, no less. Then Carmella drew a picture of her and Alexa as mermaids swimming in the pool at Livi's party while Busy Bee flew overhead. All this last minute throwing it together really brought back memories of my own school days.
Of course Beau and I had to help Carmella take all this to her classroom. She then pretended that we didn't exist. She is always onto me that I am not volunteering enough--hello, I'm there twice a week-- and then when I do go in she acts like she doesn't even know me. I think she likes the idea of me being in her classroom only in theory and then when I am actually there in the classroom she remembers how much I embarrass her.
For those of you not privy to her Busy Bee presentation and are feeling left out here are the pictures from some of the standout moments:
Carmella and Busy Bee climb a tree:
Here they are at Kinderjazz:
Busy Bee hanging at Baby Pat's house:
On Saturday we celebrated Ryan and Uncle Pat's birthday's.
Meme made a wonderful pan-Asian themed meal. She is such the little hostess.
You know Meme this isn't a competition.
You win. I concede, you're the best hostess.
Now can you please start being a little more slack so I don't have to look so bad when everyone comes over to our house?
This is a picture Carmella took of the adults enjoying their pan-Asian fare.
Birthday cake picture:
On Sunday we all, Busy Bee included, went to little Livi's mermaid party. The usual suspects were there and as usual the champagne poured freely. It was a lovely last weekend of summer afternoon:
Arlen, Carmella and Livi in the pool
Carmella and Alexa:
Beau and Poppy:
Beau snorkeling. At first he thought the snorkel was for hearing under water and I saw him trying to swim while holding it to his ear underwater. It was hard to resist the urge to just let him keep thinking that was what it was for but since I am not all evil I showed him how you really use it.
Birthday girl:
Baby Pat
And he walks! I guess he is toddler Pat now.
Carmella and Alexa have some fun with whipcream:
And Max with the wipecream:
Noodle fights:
The girls on the raft:
Busy Bee chill'n by the pool, working on his tan, trying to even out the stripes:
Ok, busy bee is a cute idea until you are the one who has to record his activities. Whoever thought of that idea should be forced to record the activites for a whole week, while trying to maintain the home fires and also cook meals and do laundry.